Conversation Between Pete and Clint

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wasn't I supposed to beat you up for calling me gay? I don't think I did that yet.
  2. Why potato? I don't really remember mentioning a potato. Did I?
  3. Potato?

    Stupid fricken 30 characters or more
  4. Have good airplane big. Thank.
  5. Uncle Frank? When did you get here? Shouldn't you be, like, 180 years old by now? You were born in the 1840s.
  6. Perhaps after the development of the Dolphin-Monkey is complete. Perhaps.
  7. Spider- weasel?
  8. It wasn't 3,000 gil, by the way. It was 32,000. I fixed the amount in my post. I didn't actually know how much I had. I just gave you everything. But you deserve it.
  9. Thank you sir. Your generosity shall go down in the annals of TFF history. I just hope I get this autograph!
  10. I know it, young fella. And thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it.
  11. You're looking spry as ever for 82!
  12. Speaking of Jersey drivers, did you know they apparently don't know how to use turn signals when changing lanes? I mean, last I checked, it was the law, not common courtesy, to use turning signals, especially on dangerous stretches of road like I-495.
  13. Very good, Professor Pete. And thank you for the information. I will send a nuke to Nam, and I will send Professor S.H.I.T. to Europe to hunt down Ragna. Keep the laser ready!
  14. He very well may be a Soviet; he is European after all. If there's one thing we learned from Nam, it's never to trust those Europeans. I'll fire up the ole beacon and see if I can triangulate his position. Either that, or I'll get arrested for rubbing one out on my roof.
  15. Is there any way you can use your genital lasers to find RagnaToad? I have reason to believe he's a Soviet spy, and I can't trust Professor S.H.I.T.'s detective work.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 29
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