Conversation Between Pete and Furore

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah Pete, you shouldn't hate yourself man.
    It's rather self-destructive.
  2. Sometimes a pursuit isn't worthwhile for a person - until they realise others they like are effected.

    I still look out for neighborhoods I used to hang around in for example so long as I liked the people.
  3. Well, I've never been one to cut and run.
  4. Me too.
    It's good to know I'm not the only person with that mentality.
  5. I'm doing quite well. How about you?

    And yeah, I'll be here until they run me out of town.
  6. How's it going Pete?
    I missed interacting with you via the internet terribly.
    It's great to see you're still around.
  7. Sorry, I couldn't tell you a damn thing about the Phoenix. It seems a bit dated though, and sounds more like something that's nice for a collector, moreso than practical driving. Those old cars almost always come with extra problems. If I were you, I'd look for something in the post year 2000 range.
  8. Hey Pete, figure you seemed to know your cars.

    Is a 1965 Dodge Phoenix any good?
    I've seen the papers and had a friend who's a mechanic give the car a lookover and it seems to be in good nick, but I figured you might know if the model itself was any good.
  9. Just PM me an item location real or fake, and a few details I can have fun embellishing.
  10. I have no idea how you get signed up for these bachelor auctions, but sign me up!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10