Conversation Between dawnmorning and Quexinos

9 Visitor Messages

  1. you don't come here no more
  2. D:

    I made a new one. I wonder why they deleted it. I hope the new one is just as good as the old one.
  3. .. did I miss something or did the topic disappear?
  4. heh heh got another one

    I wonder how many Cleriths you've converted over the years. I need to check this place more often.
  5. ROFL sorry I don't check this place often... I guess I ... didn't see much to reply to is all, sorry
  6. hey, quexinos. just dropping by. how come you haven't been online for some time?
  7. Thanks for the add Quexinos! I recognized your name from somewhere . . . was it the ff7
  8. I disagree, these people who say "CLOUD ONLY LOVES AERITH" are wrong. There's opinion and then there's fact. How can you dispute "Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for each other?" I mean really now. The fact is, he's with Tifa and he's doing fine...

    But don't worry, Ill be in that topic to help you out now
  9. Hello I see you post in the love triangle thread... sup?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9