Conversation Between Robbo and TehRealDinnin

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha i got 8 pulse ammo and ive not used it yet so i dont know about zell or irvine but irvine is a very low level something like 16 and zell is lvl 53
  2. I agree on your team for FF8 but Zell, Irvine's limit is much better with the right ammo and he does massive dmg and hardly ever misses. I use Rinoa Squall and Irvine for Omega Weapon at level 100, Rinoa ONLY learned Invincible moon and she stats out with Angelo Cannon so I have a 50% chance to cast Invincibility.
  3. Yes it is the best in the series IMO as well, and i can
  4. Hi i looked at your about me FF8 is definately the best in the series also on your bass can you play dance dance by fall out boy or paranoid by black sabbath
  5. KK Feel Better Soon (Y)
  6. Recently had a surgery
  7. Why are you in pain??
  8. Eh maybe I'm in quite alot of pain right now so I'm not posting much at all currently
  9. hi do you want to rp im quite bored and i want to post
  10. Thanks for the welcome =) and let me know if you get a sure date on dissida's release date ill ill let you know if i find out (Y)
  11. Welcome to TFF, Hope you enjoy your stay!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11