YouTube - NoRespawnStudios's Channel Go sub I'm doing all final fantasy's 100% walk through and a few other friends are doing other games!
Ah Alright thank you I'll hit one of the S-mods or Maridia up and see if they think its fine where it is or should move.
I can't move that thread, it is outside my forums. If you hit maridia up or one of the S-Mods they should be able to move it for you. Then again I might be wrong, they might think it is fine where it is.
Busy as hell and doing a lot of college work and stuff. Working on a 2d Side scrolling game like Megaman with my friend and trying to program it right and make the spirtes work and gravity x.x Besides that pretty good. Just really busy now a days
Crazy as heck, been busy. Wife has been sick all weekend and still isn't fully recovered yet. How have things been with you?
Ah I see well when you do Dissidia is worth it Hows everything doing at the home?
Saddly to say I do not, I don't own a PSP yet. I really want to get one though just for that game. I have to get my wife a DS before I can get my next gaming system though and that won't happen until after the baby is born.
Hm do you have Dissidia Meier?
Good luck with that.
Alright thanks Meier back to studying /cry
The responces have slowly trickled in, so far the consinsis is that if activity keeps up that it will probably get its own subforum in General FF but as of right now nothing is confirmed.
So how did the Dissidia sub-forum question go? Did they approve?
It is good to talk to you again. I'm doing good as well and mainly working at college right now, not much to be said. I did just get a PSP and Final Fantasy Tactics: WotL and its pretty good improvement and I'm happy they added so many more extra character slots so you can get all the secret characters. Heh, its nothing just say it was a joint idea lol Was mainly concerned about the general just being spammed with one FF instead of all of them.
I have been doing good, busy with life and all. It is good to hear from you again. I thought about that the other day and have been needing to mention it to the other staff members but seeing you put the idea out there before I could I will make sure you get credits for it heh (not that it is worth much haha).
Hey Meier, was stopping by to say 'Hey' and 'How you doing, whats going on' But also I was wanting to suggest a Dissidia sub-forum so all Dissidia questions and discussions can go there. Instead on the general tab, I didn't think about it until I realized that there is quite a bit of them in the General Final Fantasy tab and I'm sure more will come up.