OK! Give me a while! Okiedoke!
Of your cake? Sure, I'd like to see it. =] The deed is done! I signed out. Thanks a bunch! <3
I might post a pic if you want. Same here Fine by me! Lemme know when you're done!
Very nice! And that's good that you got cake. When I hear about people not having cakes on their birthdays it enrages me so! =P No I didn't try, I was waiting for you to give me the head's up. xD But how about now?
'Sall right A new bike, and my PS3 was an early gift, + a Darth Maul cake and Rocky Road Ice cream. LOL, did it work? You can tell me when again.
Ah yeah, I was out of town from the 27th up until Monday, so I missed it. What else did you get for your birthday? How about now, does that work for you?
The 28th of May 'Sall right, but thanks! Sure, just tell me when you plan to do it!
Oh! When was your birthday? I'm sorry I missed it! Happy birthday Al! And that's awesome, would I be able to sign in and get that stuff from you soon?
Ah! OK! Yep! (50 bucks for my birthday!) I also have the GoW Minipack!
Oh nice! I have that one already too though, from my other friend. I'd sign into your PSN and get the other stuff now, but my brother's playing Fat Princess so I'll have to do it later. You've been buying a lot huh?
Forgot to mention, I have FFVIII now.
Sounds good! I'll let you know when I plan on using the PS3 so I can get those things from you. =]
Got MKII if you want it.
Just got the PoTC Suits, the Kratos suit, and the Ezio suit!