Conversation Between Alther Primus and xXCloudXx

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thats good, I'm doing well myself.
  3. Hey Armageddon. How are you today? Good I hope.
  4. Wtf is going on Armageddon. I'm so confused right now. What is up with Ua And cerberus? Do you know.... HELP ME!!!!!!
  5. I don't eather.. I'm soooo Confused right now.
  6. WAIT! I misread your message, I don't know what's up with him.
  7. I can't make an opnion on Cerberus yet, but is the she UnknownAngel? If so, then I sympathise.
  8. Do you know whats up with the Cerberus dude? He is confusing the hell out of me. He says that I am going to hate him and another person. The other person is a she... I'm kinda confused on what is going on. Do you know?
  9. All righ, I'll be your "Jenova-cell infused, awesome brother, Armageddon!"
  10. Don't you need a super smarticles brother for your TFF family. haha. I'll fill the position I suppose. haha. If that ok with you that is.
  11. Sure, You can have aroom in my castle. I have the pool and my room up so And I don't know which position I should have in the Family.. I need one of my own. I just don't know how to get I think that sounds a little wrong.
  12. Who will you be then? Also, Can I make my room in your castle?
  13. Why am I not in the I think I deserve a spot. You know Having our castles right next door and
  14. Sure! You can! (g2g bye!)
  15. You mind if I park my castle by yours. I wont make much I might even bring you some friends.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 31
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