Conversation Between Alther Primus and Darkdragoon

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. 'Sup?
  2. What are you taking about "Ghost?" Jill hasnt died...
  3. Ok. ^^
    I hope Ryu didnt think i was seriuos about I wanted him to leave... I was just joking....
    I'll PM you the Fate War story if you want.
  5. Jill from RE? I don't follow RE just so you know. (I'm more into DMC, GoW, not RE, you know?)
  6. Guessing you dont know who the "Hot chick" is that is in my signature?
  7. just wait intell tomorrow. Got to much homework!
  8. So ummmmm, when are you going to update the Warriors RP?
  9. I have a friends list... Just... I didnt want any non-friends see it.
  10. Errm, I don't see your friends list, but I've seen you on other peoples friends list, anyway, wanna be friends? (I would simply sed the friend request but you don't have it! LOL!)
  11. Oh, you looked at my new group ^^'
    Yea, love it.
  12. I didn't know you liked warriors! I do to!
  13. Hey! Wanna join a party at my castle? (Small one, there'll be a HUGE one later)
  14. ok!
  15. Only if I can join yours!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 20
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