Conversation Between Alther Primus and Unknown Entity

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey! 'Sup?

    Wanna set up a Soulcalibur IV match?
  2. Not much.
  3. Not much.

    'Sup wid you?
  4. 'Sup?
  5. Zasalamel isn't my favourite character, if I'm honest.

    Shura (I'm aware she is new) is my favourite. She was the first character I used and got an S ranking on during the Story. Tira and Xianghua are a close second. Raphael is okay too I suppose, so I put him as third.

    I'm not a fan of the bigger dudes with the bigger weapons, to be honest. xD;
  6. The 3rd one has a better Create-a-char IMO.

    An also, what's your opinion on Zasalamel? (Black man with a scythe, bought in CaS apperently)
  7. Haha, it's a more recent thing if I'm honest. I've had the 4th game a good couple of months, but I only got around to playing it properly in the last month or so I guess.
  8. Heh! I didn't know you played Soulcalibur! (Referencing the AvySig combo)
  9. Not much, just doin stuff in the grou and not much else really.
    Also? LOL at your calling me "Freddy" I understand i but still, ROFL!
  10. Not much Freddy.

  11. 'sup?
  12. Haha, good. ^^;;
  13. Nope! It had more to do wit her being whiny, but that's all said and doe now, thi figts over.
  14. That's a tad harsh.

    I guessing it has something to do with your role-play house thing?
  15. *UnknownAngel*! That's who! No, I'm not sexist, she simply irritates me more than Cait Sith!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 31
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