Conversation Between MakotoKin and GypsyElder

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha. Well, I imagine I probably will settle in here. I haven't really posted on forums in a long time, so since I'm taking the time this will probably suit me just fine.
  2. ahah!! well, I hope you stay. I like this one.
  3. In the past I have been yes, as of late (as in a looooooonnngggg time), I haven't been active or posting on forums. It was a thing of the past for me until recently. But yes, I've seen my share of forums haha. Particularly ones relating to Final Fantasy of course.
  4. Yup one of my favorites. Have you been a part of any other forums? just curious.
  5. Thank's haha. I see your a big fan of the Grandia series huh? I always loved the series as well. A true classic in my books.
  6. Great avatar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6