Conversation Between Materiathief00 and Fate

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Why would I believe you any more than I would have before?
  2. Believe me NOW?
  3. I suppose they are!
  4. Those words are blasphemy!
  5. Prove it! Block out the sun at a certain time!
  6. Uhm... Pretty much!
  7. So, Fate, you're a solar eclipse? What do you want me to believe again? XD
  8. Believe me.
  9. ...sure you did... XD
  10. But I did block out the sun once!
  11. If you're going to test how gullible I am you should probably wait until I'm not prepared and make it a little believable, you know? XD
  12. Did you know that I once blocked out the sun for a few months? That's what started the Ice Age, you know?
  13. I know, right? I figured that! XD
  14. Yes, which also comes to prove... how gullible you are!
  15. So wait, since I revere you and I believe that you are revered, does that mean I ultra revere you? ...or something..? XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 28
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