Conversation Between RamesesII and Cyanist

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Fearless? Ah, that WAS a good one. But I didn't start with Jet Li, I had to go through a lot of Jackie Chan. Have you seen "The New Police Story"?
    Also, I just recently watched "Running Out Of Time" again (I even went looking for a soundtrack - I didn't find any, though)
  2. A fair few some good some bad, Once upon a time in China is one of my favourites, and then after that one I fell in love with Jet Li's movies Fearless is a brilliant one.
  3. Ah, yes, vastness... there's the action films with Asian guys, the ones without, so many to choose from, like stars in the universe...I suppose I meant the martial arts type, then.
    What're ya up to?
  4. You would have to be more specific the Action genre is very vast and general.
  5. The sequels were rather tribal, weren't they? Not much like the first at all...
    Yeah! Remember when he walked up that glass wall and then that buggy thing passed under him and shattered it? WHOA!
    What other action films have you seen?
  6. I have seen both Ong Baks and doesn't he have another? I love watching Muai Thai
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6