Conversation Between RamesesII and NikkiLinkle

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hows that rain to cool things off.
  2. Yeah I have read all of them, thanks for the birthday wishes.
  3. Happy Birthday! You old old man Hope you have a lovely day
  4. I've finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and half way through Mockingjay. Once I get into a book, I GET INTO A BOOK I really love it. Can't wait to finish. Have you read the other 2 books?
  5. No not yet had a good storm last week I don't know if there is any more on the way to soon though, you'll will have to hurry and read some more so we chat about it haha.

    Yeah I am excited about the kids going to school.
  6. No flood here. You? I heard north nsw got flooded on the weekend. We moved away from flood zones.

    Once I get into a book, I can read pretty fast. But it's getting into it, that I'm slow with

    Wow 5! And school. Are they excited? Are you excited, or a little bit scared? It sucks when people sell homes, especially when you get so settled into it. Chances are it won't sell. Ha! Then you can stay
  7. You get flooded yet?
  8. There is something sentimental and homely about having books I don't think I will ever get an ereader or kindle haha. Cool how fast of a reader are you haha? Yeah fam is good getting settled in to our new house for 12 months anyway until our lease runs up and the owners sell the place from underneath us. My twins turned 5 sunday they start school next year @_@
  9. I'm not sure what chapter. But I'm at the part where Katniss is preparing for the games. She just got a score of 11. I liked the part when she shot an arrow into the apple in the pigs mouth. So really I haven't gotten too far yet I have all 3 ebooks on my phone. It's not the same as actually reading a book. How's family life going? Hope you're doing well
  10. Where you up to? I jusr finished reading it about a month ago it was awesome in my opinion anyway. Yeah I can't wait for the movie.
  11. Yo. I was snooping around and found out you read or are reads Hunger Games. I'm currently reading it. I haven't finished yet, mainly because I'm a lazy reader but I like it so far. A movie is being made about it.
  12. Yeah we complain when it is too cold and then when it heats up we complain lol
  13. Geez! It's been horrible at work. I work near an oven so it's even worse. I feel sorry for the powdercoater at my work. I think the heats going to get worse. Ah well what can do except complain? Lol.
  14. Recorded 45 in my car today bit of a scorcher haha shit hasn't this spring been messed up first half was cold second is hot.
  15. Yeah tell me about it for the last four days I have been moving house in this heat good stuff haha how are you fairing?
    I don't mind the heat as long as it isn't muggy
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