Conversation Between RamesesII and NikkiLinkle

62 Visitor Messages

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  1. Huh? Lol. I don't work tomorrow, so no dollars for me. I'm meant to be sleeping, but I can't sleep.
  2. Another day another dollar.
  3. Haha, cool i think its been in the making for a couple years.
  4. I can't even remember what the weather was like. I didn't do anything. It's raining right now. I read somewhere that The Hunger Games is coming out in March. Not sure if that's true. Hope so! I wonder what rating it'll have.
  5. Did you have a good Australia day? It had the decency to fine up for the day up here.
  6. Yeah I live just outside toowoomba,
    34 haha coincidence much haha
  7. Some Brisbane areas have flooded. Pretty scary. I really feel for people who are going through it. I live closer to Ipswich. I'm safe, it didn't flood where I live now, thankfully. Hope you be safe too OH and my house number is 34 too!
  8. Yeah we have had drizzle and showers since Monday, are you in Brizzy?
    I hope you are safe if you are, I heard they are getting pretty wet down there.
    What are you doing for Aussie day?
  9. And now it's raining like a b*tch. I had dreams last night that when I woke up, it'd be flooded all around me. It has not stopped raining since last night.
  10. Yeah christmas was bust but after that it was all quiet, yeah the go to prep next week I am going toi take the morning off to drop them off for their first time.
  11. My holiday season was ok. I'm not big on celebrations or anything, so I just had a quiet one. As s always do. How about you? Not long til your kids start school. I hope there first time will be good. I can vaguely remember
  12. Yeah it wasn't to bad here a little bit muggy, how was your xmas and new years
  13. As you would expected is bloody hot today! I thought it was meant to rain all week! I'm going to have the weather man arrested! Lol. It was super foggy this morning. I'm melting in the car. And I'm really hungry.
  14. It is especially after the heat wave we had a pretty heavy shower this aftrenoon but it didn't last very long
  15. It's great! I just love the rain. I hope it rains again today It's a little overcast with a bit of sun at the moment.
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