Conversation Between RamesesII and Rowan

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Holy heck I thought the rep system was abolished haha.

    Yeah the best episode was when that dero was hired and Hank couldn't fire him because it was 'unfair' dismissal haha
  2. No more alcohol for me! at least only on special occasions. Im trying to get the perfect body and Im restricting myself to only the healthiest of foods. Its actually not as bad as I thought it would be.
  3. All is good then. I hope you'll be getting your drink on in honor of her majesty haha
  4. Sure does, long weekend woo! I also detest VB, i mentioned it in a beer thread a while back. its far to carbonated for my liking.
  5. Does VIC get the day off this Monday? Also I am against VIC bitter I just thought I would put that out there just hope there is no bad blood between us about it haha
  6. Haha no more bipolar than Toowoomba.
  7. Im in Melbourne, where the weather is bipolar. What about you??
  8. Working my little patooty off, raising kids, freezing. Are you in QLD or NSW
  9. Yeah im alright man, thanks for asking. Just about to head out actually. What have you been upto?
  10. No worries mate, how are you anyway haven't talked to you in a while.
  11. haha well it doesn't change even after three years rofl
    She is Major Motoko form Ghost in the Shell
  12. I dont remember, they should dissapear soon. Ive been upto 70 before. Just getting use to the forum and its members, Im feeling quite comfortable now. ive been here about 8 months. Whos the girl in your backround?
  13. Shit mate how did you end up with three warnings haha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15