Conversation Between RamesesII and Freya

11 Visitor Messages

  1. I am still happy to be an adopter, thank you heaps for the consideration I will have to go and read my intro one day and if I want to change I will just vm you cheers.
  2. Hey - I'm currently trying to clean the adoption agency (summer wrap up or something like that). So I'd like to ask you if you're still interested in being an adopter and if there's anything you'd like to change about your profile. I suppose all of the adopters are about 2 years older than they are listed right now... but anyways.
    Just leave me a short VM. If I don't get a message from you within a month, I won't consider you as an adopter anymore, but still keep you in my list. (If I don't get a message within half a year, though, I'll strike your name from the list.)
  3. Yep, help him find his way.

    He PMed me btw., asking to be adopted. I should've written that down as well >.<
  4. When you mean help him out do you mean steer him in the right direction oppose to what he is going now because I can't find anything about him in adoption thread.
  5. Hey Ramses - thought I'd give you something to do. So I hope you don't mind having a new adoptee, it's catnip22. ^^ I'm very positive that you'll be able to help him out. :>
  6. Haha you can count on me, secretly my wife has a laptop now so I have the desktop all to myself.
  7. Yay, thank you. <3
    I knew I can count on you always! ^^

    But I admit I checked your last activity before deciding to pick you. I don't want anyone to have an inactive adopter. ^^ And I'm glad you're still active
  8. Cheers Freya now that I am a bit more active I shouldn't have a problem
  9. Hihi. :> I have a new adoptee for you: i.aM.BlissKaZE ^^
  10. Awesome I will try my best ty
  11. Hey - I hope you're already ready to adopt someone again.
    I paired you up with pikmar. I suppose you still know lots about the forum. If there happen to be any problems, contact me anytime. :>
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11