Conversation Between RamesesII and Priscilla

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha. Oh yeah. Summer would definately be a pain there. It's a pain here. Maybe that is one good thing about Brisbane? The temperature is better.
    Haha, I don't think I will be going to Toowoomba anytime soon. It isn't really close and I am so poor.
  2. Yeah easily during summer, it reaches the late 30's a lot during christmas time with all the thunder storms and it gets so humid up here so it is hot and sticky, whereas the winters are real dry haha.

    Next time you come up you should give me a buzz so i can stalk you haha j/k
  3. We can get mid fourties, easy.
    Do you reach those temperatures often?
  4. The max we can get up to is about 38, 39
  5. I live in Ipswich though and that's still a lot colder than Brisbane. Unfortunately though it's also a lot hotter than Brisbane and Toowoomba probably too.
  6. The ekka is overrated. Plus they've taken a lot of traditional things out of it. That probably won't matter to you if you've never been though. That is true about the carnival of flowers. My mum is a bit fanatic but I wasn't too keen.

    Haha, well the last time I went there was like.. September. Oh gosh that was when there was snow or sleet or whatever was going on. It was freezing!
  7. You came to Toowoomba and you never visited oh i am so hurt how dare you haha yeah it gets bloody freezing here but you get used to it lol once you have seen one Carnival of flowers you have seen them all, i would like to go see the ekka one day and compare it to our show day.
  8. I've been to Toowoomba.. Three times. Once because I was in some performance there, once because my school had our Year 12 Retreat there (and god it was cold) and thirdly to see the Carnival of Flowers. It's very pretty.

    Yeah Brisbane has a fair bit of traffic. The main streets like Queen and Elizabeth street really confuse me. I've no idea how people drive on them. I've always just taken a train in. I do like the hustle and bustle of Brisbane though.
  9. Really haha i have never really had any desire to live in and around Brisbane mainly because of the size and all the traffic i hate it haha i am happy with the size the size of Toowoomba and the surrounds lol
  10. Oh, you're lucky. Well, I guess. Ipswich isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Certain places are dodgy. But the worse two places are actually suburbs of Brisbane, not Ipswich. Go figure.
  11. I don't know i have never lived in Ipswich haha born and breed here lol
  12. Reaaaallly? That's got to be a whole lot better than Ipswich.
  13. The Garden City haha.
  14. Oh,you are correct. That is a topic but I really don't want to double post in my own thread. So maybe someone else will bring it up. To answer your question though, yes I have been getting those dust storms. I live outside of Brisbane. You?
  15. Yeah thats for sure, where bouts you situated in OZ you been getting these big dust storms ah ha there is a topic for the Aussies of TFF haha
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