Conversation Between Zargabaath and Alpha

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  1. Wonderful news! While rummaging through one of my boxes of games to see what I have I found my ShinRa Crisis Core UMD case. It had both of my old memory cards for the PSP with my Tactics Ogre data on one of them along with a lot of other games. I couldn't believe it. All 190 hours not lost.
  2. 115, AND you have to complete it multiple times to "finish" it.

    That sucks man. I think I'm at about 190 hours, too.
  3. Sad story.... I lost my memory card that had the Tactics Ogre file. Over 190 hrs lost. It was in my Crisis Core UMD case and I don't know where the case went. All that crafting lost to the ages. Isn't the Palace of the Dead like 100 floors?

    Eventually I'll start it up again, try to be more efficient.
  4. So... I'm STILL playing Tactics Ogre. Picked it up again right from where I left off. Got Wicce Deneb recently, and then the Songstress. Kind of depressed by the length of the two remaining dungeons (San Bronsa Ruins and Palace of the Dead).
  5. I believe I got all the recipe books too. It has been some time since I touched that game. I do remember recruiting wicce deneb. I remember farming for those glass pumpkins. They weren't that hard to collect.

    If their loyalty is high enough then it woukd take a big hit, but you could then work to restore it back to normal.
  6. Sooo, I know it has been awhile, but I FINALLY finished Tactics Ogre. Unlocked the World system, and just finished going through Phorampha Wildwood to pick up all the recipe books. Currently working on recruiting the Wicce Deneb... have to farm for 30 of these stupid glass pumpkins. I may just stop playing now that I'm at the end of the story, but I do have a little itch to scratch in trying out the other major story arcs. I'm worried about losing certain members of my team who (I gather) are likely to leave due to low loyalty if you make the big decisions that go against their nature (lawful, chaotic).
  7. Well it seems that the rebels are going to oust Assad. They are gsining more ground. I heard they were pushing in Allepo - one of their bigger cities. So it seems that they did ok w/o military aid. They organized themselves and were able to better coordinate their attacks.

    I do wonder if Egypt will go through another revolution. Morsi's power dcrees a couple of weeks ago are the signs of a dictator. But a lot of the country is behind his party. It's mainly the christians, liberal, & younger populace that are protesting. I read that the US is still going through with giving egypt some F-15's. At the moment I feel like their military is not fully committed to Morsi, but they really don't want to get involved.

    I think I read that article about NZ by the AP. I don't know if your gov't was going to dismantle what has been going on but, they said with developing countries pumping out harmful gasses at as high rate it does no good. I believe they were wanting the developing countries under the same restrictions.
  8. I haven't played TO in a while but those levels should be good. Remeber that equipment is probably more important. If that is up to lvl then you should be fine. I can't remember the name of the pirate but that was a nice side story. You can grab him in the next playthrough. Haha
  9. On the first, I really have no strong opinion. I have a terrible problem with the fact that violence is sometimes needed to solve violence, when most of the time I feel that violence begets violence. I'm not sure what there is to do besides arming the rebels and offering humanitarian assistance.

    On the second, I think that's a crying shame and a cop-out. We also received the 'Colossal Fossil' award for being the most obstructive and generally annoying country trying to prevent progress during the discussions. If that's the justification you've heard for it, then that's news to me. I would've thought it was just a product of the current (centre-right) government's policy of playing lip service to action on climate change but really doing nothing but putting money into research while dismantling the institutional mechanisms of prior governments.

    Because you're my go-to man for Tactics Ogre, I recently bought a new PSP and have picked it back up in a big way. I'm up to the Hanging Gardens but I'm putting it off. Is level 21-23 high enough? I'm currently going through the Pirates' Graveyard, but I missed a unique character (a buccaneer and apparently 5 levels of the dungeon) because I missed a time-sensitive scene in Quadriga Fortress or something.
  10. Dude,I'm getting tired of the West's inaction with Syria. They can help Libya, but let Assad butcher his people for 20 months. This is,why I don't like the U.N, they are to be the peace-keepers and they do nothing.

    I also heard your country is backing out of the second phase of the Kyoto agreement (or some motion like that). Cause third world/developing countries aren't held to the same standard. What are thine thoughts?
  11. You are to be ever vigilant and always watching. Rest? Not needed.
  12. Yeah, but this job will really help my future. I do know of an old co-worker when I worked at Macy's who moved here before I did. Other than that there is no one I knew before coming here. The job so far has been pretty good; good co-workers. Meeting a lot of new people. Tis all good.
  13. Man that's quite a way to move for work. Do you have people you know in Texas? How're you finding the job?
  14. That blows regarding your psp. At least they are cheap now. I heard that was a problem with the psp. I got a newe job that has taken most of my time; I'm just starting to get somd free time. It sent me to Texas which isn't too bad. Not as humid compared to Virginia.
  15. Well I haven't been playing Tactics Ogre even though I tried to get back into it a few weeks ago--the UMD reader has spontaneously crapped up and I think I need to buy another PSP.

    I've nearly finished my undergraduate science degree. Only have five weeks left.

    How's yourself? What explains your extended absence?
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