Conversation Between Zargabaath and Fate

15 Visitor Messages

  1. I told you, I get along with hippos. =D
    Wait, I ask you the same question. Who would you aid? ^.^
  2. How do you know it won't kill you? As I said: more people die from a hippopotamus attacking them than from a crocodile.
  3. Still, the hippo won't kill me, so that's all that matters, really. ^.^ Besides, before it becomes too dangerous, I'll have abandoned the thing for the ostrich, unless you wanna tell me that ostriches kill, too?
  4. Ya do know that more people die from hippo attacks than croc attacks in Africa. So while it may not eat you, the hippo is the animal to be more wary of even though it appears to be friendly.
  5. Oh, the hippopotamus, definitely. I mean, who would be stupid enough to aid the crocodile? The hippopotamus would win without a doubt, and since it doesn't want to eat me, I can just use it as a form of transportation across the waters of Africa after we become friends from me aiding it. Then when I ditch it for an ostrich...yeah.
  6. On your journey across Africa you stumbe across a hippopotamus and a crocodile in the midst of a battle? Who would you aid?
  7. Haha, thank you very much! ^______^
  8. Just stopping by to say that you have an awesome Hope Estheim sig pic.
  9. I think that may be the peninsula area of Suffolk on the southside. I don't remember a bad flood a few years ago.
  10. That's what we thought it was, too. There seems to be lots of vegetation there. My cousin who lives there said there was a flood a few years back. If where I was close to yours, did you get effected by that flood, too?
  11. You were pretty close to me then. Depending on where you go there a lot. Where I live it is more sub-urban I do have a small forest, if it can be called that.
  12. I'm not quite sure. I know it's about thirty minutes from Virginia Beach. We did go to Willamsburg, though, but that took a long time, so I doubt it's near there. Still, the state is filled with trees.

    Thank you. I just threw in random designs, really.
  13. Do you remember what part of Virginia? Williamsburg? Jamestown? Yorktown? Or farther north? I must say I really like what you have done with your page.
  14. You know, I vacationed in Virginia not too long ago. I even went to Chesapeake Bay there.
  15. Why Judge Zargabaath, I wonder? Gabranth was the most famous, and Drace was my favorite. Zargabaath just never died, that's all!^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15