Conversation Between Zargabaath and Clint

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Void? Is that a guy? Sampson Void, perhaps? I don't know who that is. Where are you?
  2. There are no coordinates within the Void.
  3. Maybe I can help you find your way. I'm good with navigation. Where are you right now? What are your coordinates? I have a really cool compass.
  4. I am terribly lost.
  5. I sometimes wear shoes when it rains.
  6. Yes, that is true. And rank varies by state. It's +20 rank in Arizona and Nevada, which is why I take a trip to Phoenix every May 31st. I find that the hardest part every year is the walk from Carmel, California, to Phoenix.
  7. I heard you gain +10 ranks in Bad assery every birthday. True?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7