Conversation Between Sato Arashi and Meigumi

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Saaatooooo. >:T
  2. I miss you, man. When will you come back? ;A;
  3. -pokes-

    Ish done. Go check the RPOOC ASAP!
  4. Thank you. Now to deal with the needle...
  5. Alright then, do what you have to do.
  6. Yes, I know. I have a handful of promises to fufill, as a friend.
  7. I am, and you know what I'm waiting for.
  8. AHA!

    WAS dead while talking to myself.
  9. And I thought you were dead lol
  10. Hello, kupo.
  11. *drops in randomly* Hello!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11