Conversation Between RinoaLeonHeart and Robbo

10 Visitor Messages

  1. oh my gawsh heyy how have you been sorry i left it for ages to speak to peoples but i havent been on since may 09 because of distractions and tiredness and stuff i live in uk btw so its like about 1 am when most people go onn but none the less how has you been? HIYERR
  2. only lvl 30 x.x; Im also playing Monster Hunter and Crisis core XD so Couldnt Focus on lvling all day
  3. Hi How are you today? and what level is your squall after training him till half 2 haha
  4. Well each character has his/her own story. But since i cant read japanese i didnt bother with Story Mode. And the terrain is Fine in dissidia Stuff Are Destructable If u hit them They will break. Also Terrain can help u with certain situations :3
    Squall in Dissidia Still uses LionHeart As a Limit in EX mode. XD
  5. On Dissidia do you think the way you can use the Terrain is Good i havent got it but i have seen gameplay videos And i noticed Squall's limit breaker is the same so thats good. Also does the game have a real storyline or is it just like Tekken styled storyline
  6. He is my favourite character but in Kh he isnt that same unsociable person that just is an amazing attitude he is really friendly in it and honstly i think he is more femenine in KH oh would you post in my thread in FFVIII please about your favourite Guardian Force =)
  7. To tell you the truth I like squall in kingdom hearts~ XD Im also Training him in Dissidia Right now
  8. Same here but i was young and i broke the first disc and lost my save when i lost the memory card i still have it sitting upstairs lol is it just me or do you tihnk Kingdom Hearts kind of Ruined SQuall's personality??
  9. Yes~ XD FFVIII all the way :3 Its also the first Final Fantasy i ever played So.. Yeah :3
  10. Hi you do look a lot like Rinoa Take it Final fantasy eight is your favourite of the Series =) ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10