Conversation Between RinoaLeonHeart and Asectic

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, how's it been these days? I see you're doing well.

  2. I didnt know I was special xD
  3. *puts eyes on you too* :3
  4. o.O
    I have my "Eyes on you" ^-^
  5. XD ur the 12th person to ask me XD well nope She's just my favorite rinoa cosplayer =) .. Well i like Alternative Rock Music XD
  6. Haha I see
    Me, mostly Korean. Not those old style stuff.. What people usually listen to. Only faster.
    Love your avi btw. Is that really you or did you find it?
  7. hrm.. well im a music addict too kinda XD what kind of music do u listen too :s? cant play games without music XD
  8. FF Games... Sigh, I never have the time to play them anymore.
    Allthough I tend to listen to music a lot. You could say it's a part of me??
    Oh yeah! Do you have any hobbies or anything like that you've been doing? O.o
  9. Nice to Meet you too XD well life is good ~ i think.. lol and also replaying Some FF games.. Just finished 8 again xD going for 9 now :3 how bout u's ;3?
  10. Hey, nice to mweet you!
    I know this is an obvious but how's life? xD
  11. haro
  12. ^.^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12