Conversation Between GHOSTED and Copperfire

9 Visitor Messages

  1. That's good. I've been pretty tired lately still. Most days I don't even turn on my computer.
  2. I've been pretty well, works been work, lots been going on in my personal life but besides that it's been okay
  3. Tiring. I'm working extra shifts this week. How've you been?
  4. Hey hows it been
  5. ya gotta do it though lol
  6. I know how that is.
  7. I'm pretty good right now. Sitting in bed next to mah Izzybear trying to get tired :/ Work stress sucks lol
  8. Nothing much. Kind of stressed out about workstuff right now, but otherwise I'm good. You?
  9. Hey, what's up
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9