Conversation Between ziroth and Dodie16

7 Visitor Messages

  1. i is full of....well....confusing its made for you to pick and choose....feels like nothing will ever be alright.....
  2. It's has been a while, hasn't it? Have you been doing alright?
  3. hello dodie long time no....well never have seen...i guess just typed......gosh im confused....
  4. Yes. I do like it. My favorite game in the series right now would probably be Chain of Memories, but they are all great games! I'm excited about the one for the PSP called Birth By Sleep. I think that one would be a great game to play.

    You must like it too, since your avatar and signature are KH related.
  5. Well well well now I think you like kingdom hearts. Do you?
  6. wow you added me pretty quickly
  7. Hello there! I don't think we've met, but you sent me a friend request. I accepted it. Thank you very much!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7