Conversation Between ultimatekupo and Leon

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. I hope that's soon. I have no notes yet. x.x

    And if you want to get to know me better, well, just feel free to ask anything. I'm nosy about stuff, so I don't mind it if people are nosy about my personal matter (unless it's too personal, which is rare). So, you know. If you got a question, just ask.
  2. well when I get to know you better I will prolly give you a note too
  3. Um, you're welcome. It's just to say anything about that person, like a special message or just something random.

    As for me, it's also something for you to remember me by.
  4. Awe thank you so much for the note : ) your sweet. I didn't even know what notes are for.
  5. You're very, very welcome.
  6. thank you ^^
  7. I wouldn't. Sounds really good, actually.
  8. I made my main point about where I find Christ in the world, and how for me specifically I find Christ within the stories that I love, and used FFX as my specific example. I described the story, which was very long, and tried to simplify it, talked about how the fayth created Tidus to restore humanity and give hope the the people of Spira by defeating sin, and how Jecht was a sacrifice for sin. I pointed out the differences as well, it is definitely not the same story but there are similarities, even in the words such as the words: sin, and fayth. I don't remember much else and my flashdrive is hiding somewhere. I would have posted it but I don't know where it is I actually just went to look for it, and I really don't want to be yelled at for my beliefs.
  9. Just wanted to hear some specific details, if you could remember them. It sounds like a good paper, but it's up to you.
  10. Idk maybe a month ago, got extra credit for turning it in early. Why?
  11. It sounds like a good project, though. Did you write it long ago?
  12. well I actually don't think I told anyone till now. My teacher is the only person who read it and she has no idea what final fantasy is. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We had to write about jesus. It was the assignment. I go to a catholic school and its a christian ethics class lol.
  13. Did anyone yell at you over it? I know there are a lot of nutjobs out there who'd yell over something like that. Sounds interesting, though.
  14. I compared the story of Christ to FFX. Father, son, spirit, sacrifice ect..
  15. A term paper on FFX? What did you write?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 18
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