Conversation Between Hiromi Kikawada and yuki

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lets see.... first of all... Studies D: Then... Family problems... And... well, lotsa stuff going on... I really don't have the time for anything anymore...
  2. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    genki data
    waaa what busy were you T____T
    waa im real happy your back so what did you do all this time ....
  3. Hisashiburi desu... ._. I was busy...
  4. yahoo hiromi chan ogenki deshita ??
    looooooool sure ill show you my drawing but you need 2 wait abit
    till i hook them up in the site
    well how were you doing whats your plans now what are you playing well ill be looking to here from you
  5. Ooh, you finished a drawing? OwO. Can i see? But only if you want to show me..

    Ah,your friend going away to Japan? D:> Thats so sad... T^T. I wish your friend luck...
  6. yaho hiromi long time ive been so hick bussy with my drawing just finished a painting been drawing for three monthes lool so happy
    yeah about my friend she do two types of drawing orginaly start with pencil then she scan it & fix or color it with photo shop
    BUT IM REAL SAD & HAPPY SHES going to continue studying art in japan
    im gona miss her
  7. Wow! That looks so good!

    Your friend really talented! *_*.
    What kind of art tools do she use? I want to know! O_O.
  8. Kaiyou Kyo by ~Nyxchan on deviantART
    sorry the image didnt lunch above is the link to her painting
  9. yahoo got for you one of my friend (tsuyu)drawings
    enjoy hope it opens with you
  10. O_O. ... =w=. Ah... i glad i was not rude.

    Tottemo kawaii? o///o. Hontou?

    Oh, Asian... =w=. I like all Asians. OwO.

    Do you have anything you want to ask me? OwO. Feel free to ask.
  11. no sweet ur not rude at all
    my thought is that ur tottemo kawaiiiiiii
    and yes sweet im asian lool
    sweet be free dont be 2 polite with me ^_____^
  12. Oh no. D:> Did i ask something rude?

    u_u. I didnt mean to be rude... :<

    Sumimasen deshita. (- -*) (_ _*) *bow*

    Though i do think you are Asian. :]
  13. hiya hiromi
    well kohai (thought ur 9 years younger than me) you ask hard Q i acttualy dont answer that type of Q
    & idont think im gona so my answer well be ?? you guess
  14. Wow, that seems fun. ^^. Me and my sister do manga roleplay. Its something like you do.

    I draw a panel and then she draws one. :d

    Oh... Yuki san is not Japanese?
    Can i ask your nationality? ^^.
    And i think ill stick with English. ^^; I need to practice anyway.
  15. yaho hiromi chan
    well bout me &my friend
    shes agifted artist she drows alot
    bout her manga she dosnt write whole manga
    we used to do it alot for friends fun
    ill tell u how we do it we start with drowing the main character
    since it was for fun we ofent drow us and the story line material got to be from what happens in our day
    and sorry 2 dissapoint u no im not japaness but istudy japaness so feel free 2 talk with me in jap mondai nai yo chipi chan ^__^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 17
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