Conversation Between Ecnasaeflam and Rikkuffx

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Have a great new year!
  2. An 04 Pontiac Sunfire. It's pretty awesome.

    Cool deal, on your brother.
  3. What kind of car?I'm okay just been working,my bro comes home saturday for a few days
  4. Tired as hell. But I got a new car, so I can't complain! Yourself?
  5. Hey hun how ya doing?
  6. i'm not doing anything lol just really tired
  7. Not much. Playing a couple of MUDs and Bioshock. You?
  8. Hmmm thats odd but alright i'll take your word for it LOL so whats goin on?
  9. Nah, it's actually really good for your hair. When you wash it out, your hair is amazingly soft.
  10. lol elmers glue?good idea but that would prob make my scalp itchy lol
  11. To answer your question...

    I used Elmer's glue. It took one hour, two people, and a whole bottle of Elmer's glue to keep up.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11