Conversation Between Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima and Heartless Angel

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I guess the next important question would be, what sort of fantasy, and what kind of time period? Is the city flying because of magic, or nuclear fusion reactors? Races are also an important thing to decide on, are we all humans, or do we have elves, dwarves, and sentient toasters running around too? One of the most important parts of a story, is a solid villain. I'd be more than happy to fill that role, once you have enough background information for me to have an evil plan of some sort.
  2. Mkay, well this is what me and noxious.sunshine have so far: Genre: Fantasy-Adventure, Current Locales discussed: A Sky-City/Sky-Country, and noxious.sunshine will be using her Photoshop skills to help immortalize our characters(We can use CGI characters that already exist but with our own character names which will represent our characters). We were tired when we were discussing this, so this is all we came up with. I know we still have more work to do, but if you can start helping us create our basic outline for this RP, that would be great
  3. I'm definitely up for a new RP. Just hit me with whatever you have so far, I'll see if I can't contribute something.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3