Conversation Between Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima and Phantom

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. Dang Meh, I'm Alright I Guess.
  2. Nothing much sadly. How are you?
  3. Yo, Phantom How You Been Mang? It's Been Like Over Two Years Since We Last Spoke...Holy Shit! What You Been Up To?
  4. Hey man Whats up?
  5. I'm doing fine, you?
  6. Ok then. Well, How r u today?
  7. Nothing much, just going through some stuff I'm trying to sort out, it's going good so far but I'm trying hard everyday.
  8. I'm Good. Damn...I haven't heard from you in a long time...LOL what is the matter Bro.?
  9. I've been okay, could be better but about you?
  10. Hey Phantom...Sorry, I've been gone so long...Oh well...Anyway, How have you been lately?
  11. * *
  12. Warai auto hade Sasuga tsuki motte sono banbutsunoreichou.
  13. Yoroshii sate Fantomu. To-ku tame otaku atonohouno banbutsunoreichou. Sankan kore amimono saito tame toransure-to kore tsukai : Online English to Japanese to English Dictionary
  14. Not really cant think of anything >.>
  15. Yo phantom. Whatz up??? Anyway, come up with anything yet??? JW...sry. I still dont have anything yet, but i am sure I can come up with something soon. Been busy l8ly...sry.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 36
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