Conversation Between Fate and Yoko

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank you so much!! <3
  2. FATE!!!! Happy Birthday!!!
  3. Things are okay. A little bumpy at the moment, but things always turn out right in the end.

    Which game?
  4. Uhm... All riiiigghhtt! Kind of. I found out earlier they postponed the release date on a game I was expecting to pick up TOMORROW. ;w;

    But oh, wells. xP

    How are things for you?
  5. How are youuuu??
  6. Kaarrrriiiiiii!
  7. Faaaaate!
  8. I do, but I'm afraid he hasn't been on since he dropped off of Square. No trace of him has been left behind. Sorry man. A good person to contact would be Habbo.
  9. Helloooooo! I was just wondering, do you remember River back from SF? Do you, perchance, have his MSN? xP
  10. Dan did? =o Gawd, how many times does that guy get banned and come back? xD That place seems to have totally gone downhill from when I was first there in April of 09 (I think). It was much more fun back then.

    I'm finished with school near the end of May, but time is passing quickly, so yay~
  11. Dan stopped caring. That was a sad day in itself. And Lunar is back. Go figure. Keeps the place alive I suppose (I probably should have told you that in a PM)._. Habbo is the nicest mod there now. Gem...I just don't know anymore. I keep hoping he'll come back, but he's active on that other forum that they made, so I'm highly doubtful. Habbo might know more about it. I found out randomally through her. I was a little pissed about it, but not much I can do about it now.

    When are you finished school for the summer?
  12. Haha, that's how I always saw him, anyway. ;3 And Danny Boy. He was probably the nicest mod there. xD And geez, they made another place? DId that issue with Gem and the forum ever get resolved?

    Oh, the mods here are great! They're very reasonable, fair, and helpful. And the veterans, too. It seems vast, but the majority is a friend. =)

    Yaayy, after six and a half hours, I'm done. xD
  13. Good ol' Ben. He's been causing a stir. There's always something going on with that boy. And yes, Habs is still a mod. She's the only one that sticks around and actually helps out. Other then KoFF, silly KoFF. The others ran away to another forum which they made. Doug still pops his head in. I think he still cares in his own way.

    The mods here look fantastic to me. All willing to help at a moment's notice. It's nice.

    You do your homework! It was nice talking to you
  14. XD There's a funny lot of mods there, though. I think Benny Boy was the only one who I really talked to (Habbo is still mod, though, right? XD). And strraannggee, I think her account here got eradicated in spring cleaning or something. She WAS here before.

    That's Fate for you! Or Fataan, hmm? ;3 I'm actually neglecting homework and on my phone.
  15. The mods could care less. Sad group they are. But the good lot of us miss you.

    Ah well, what can ya do. Frig, I forgot how fast you are at posting back. I post and a second later I already have a vm.
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