Conversation Between Fate and FFlover2789

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry for my late reply. xD"

    The HP bar is just a symbol of activity here on the forum. I believe that an average of five posts a day is required to keep the bar full. If you want to increase your HP, just post a lot so that your average posts per day amount increases, as well. :3

    And the last Final Fantasy game I played was Final Fantasy XIII. HOOPPEE! <3 What about you?
  2. I noticed quite a few people have there HP all the way up and i was wondering if you knew how they did it? and what FF did you play last?
  3. Hello Fate i was just wondering if there was anything i should know about TFF? And thnaks for adopting me!
  4. Why, hello there! It seems I'm your adopter. =) Please do let me know if you need anything, or if you just want to chat~ It's wonderful to meet you. :3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4