Conversation Between Fate and Ethan Blitzball King

184 Visitor Messages

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  1. oh well i thought maybe you could see em all on the screen at the same time
  2. By checking it.
  3. how can you see all the posts in your thread????
  4. Uhm, yeah, I did. Don't worry, I can see all posts in my thread. =] I can't work on it now, though, because I have another request first.
  5. hey did you get my avatar request????
  6. It's in my signature if you want: the link that says "My Photoshoppies." But here, I'll link you to it: ]]My Photoshoppies[[
  7. ok where is your shop i can't see it in the forums???
  8. ok thanks i'll get on that after going through my golden sun thread
  9. I can; however, not at the moment. I have other requests to do first. But if you want, you could request something in my shop. =3
  10. hey can you make me a customized avatar????? or would that be too much
  11. woah cool avatar thats really neat
  12. oh wow i thought maybe i was too annoying and you didn't want to be friends anymore but right now im talking to terra branford shes cool
  13. Sorry, I'm still working.
  14. gee not talking still???? and i thought we actually were having a conversation
  15. couldn't tell what you meant by kyles your teddy bear but now its all cleared up thanks sorry if i was bothering you
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 165 of 184
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