Conversation Between Fate and xTidus

603 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy birthday, buddy! <3
  2. Ooh, I just noticed this:

    "I bought a Flyleaf album today! ^___^"

    What was it? =D Was it Momento Mori? ^.^
  3. Aside from schoolwork which is stupidly annoying, I've been doing great! ^_~ My uncle's family moved over here not too long ago, too. =3
  4. I have been great, thanks. How have you been and what you been doing lately? :}
  5. Casey! =D Hiya!
    How have you been, buddy? ^.^
  6. Hey, Fate. Long time no see.
  7. My luck's running out slowly but surely. =( Let me borrow some of yours!
  8. Hahah unlucky
  9. For some reason, I haven't been at all motivated to continue FFXIII after I've made so many plans for it. >.> With all the stuff I have to do, and then my growing motivation with Photoshop. =3 And my family likes to play poker, just for fun, so i can't win anything, even though I get sooooo lucky. <.<
  10. I'm doin' good, Birthday bro'. What you been doing the past week?
  11. How ya doin', birthday buddy? ^_~
  12. Faaatttteee! ;}
  13. Caasseeyy! =D
  14. :d!
  15. I don't like buying online much, but at least you get the game (and cheaply sometimes). x3
    Heh-heh, and glad you liked the avatar. ^_~ You're welcome to steal it if you want to, though. =P
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