I added you, but I never see you on. =P LOTSA catching up to do, young lady!
Man, I disappeared again D: I'm sorry about not signing on for a while again. I want to try and stay on the forum ._. I do have MSN. Wingless_Memories@hotmail.com I missed you to infinity and beyond .x D;
I MISS YOU! ='O And do you have MSN or something? We have some catching up to doooo. =d
FATERZ! I thought I already replied to this for some reason |:
...! SPARKY! Is it...really you? ;;
I seem to keep disappearing |:
Where did you go, Sparky?
Aww, who could forget you? ^^
So he still does :3
Yeah, talk to him. I know that he still remembers you, because I was just mentioning your name a few days ago, and he said he remembers you.
Do you really think so =D... I don't know if he'll remember me though XD
You remember Ralz, right? You should talk to him about that; he knows a lot about it. Plus, I'm sure he missed you, too.=P
No I've never actually did v.v... What's it like and how is it famous XD
Have you really not heard of it? It's famous now.=]
Oh, well I'm sure you won't be too busy your first week at school ^^.. You might be able to find time to play it =3