Conversation Between Fate and Bleachfangirl

191 Visitor Messages

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  1. No one told me. I just happen to notice things. <straightface>That, and I am a professional stalker. </straightface>
  2. Well, I refer to myself as a Prodigy, but that's just me. Who told you that? ^_^
    P.S. That doesn't mean I'm not either. ^_^
  3. True. For some reason, I like the little emoticon.

    And from what I hear, you're a genius. Truly, or self proclaimed? (Had to ask =P)
  4. Haha! I'll take it! I'm lucky, all I give you is ^_^!
  5. Hrm...let's see what else I can give you...nail clippers... empty bottle... scissors... meat bun... maybe the meat bun. Here! Have a meat bun!
  6. That's too bad! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
  7. KAWAI! 8D I don't think I have enough cookies for you!
  8. Thanks! *eating cookie* Here's another one. ^_^<--4 U!
  9. Aww! That's so cute! Have a cookie.
  10. Thanks. Have one, too! ^_^
  11. Hmm, I like you. Have a visitor note.
Showing Visitor Messages 181 to 191 of 191
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