Conversation Between Fate and Phantom

116 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, now I get it! Get it ventilated through the whole house.
  2. Well, I have the old fashioned version, a AC in a window for our entercoolment XD
  3. Like, built into the window, or... something window... The AC in my house is ventilated.
  4. well yeah, duh lol
  5. How is that possible, Phantom? Teach me something new today! The AC has to be in the window?
  6. Of course, the AC has to be in the window xD
  7. Wow, air conditioning in winter? That's a first Do you open the windows, too?
  8. Haha, in my case, I care for the extreme cold, but hate the Heat. I mean I have an AC on in the winter! What other guy does that?
  9. It's funny that way, though. You hate the heat now, but when the weather gets extremely cold, you want it back. And when you can't stand the bitter cold, you want it back in intense heat. I like a shady day with a cool breeze the best.
  10. I love the sun as much as the next guy, but when Summer comes around it makes me love winter even more. Heat makes me lost energy easily
  11. Even... negative degrees? I had to stand outside in that. I learned to appreciate the sun that day!
  12. I was born in the winter time, so I prefer freezing climate then hot as hell summart climates. Each time I walk outside, its like walking to a volcano lol
  13. You prefer the cold then? You should see where I live; it's freezing in the winter.
  14. Nothing much, bored as hell, I hate summer >_> It's to bloody hot
  15. Pretty good, if I have to say so myself. Summer started a while back, but somehow, it's moving by really fast... I only have a month left before I have to return to school again. I'm trying to make the most out of my last month, but there really isn't anything good to do!

    What about you?
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