Conversation Between Clint and Rhaps

143 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm not sure when you'll see this, but I'm ready to take back ownership of the GDEAA, if you're willing to give it up. No rush. Just message me back whenever.
  2. It is quite alright, Mr. Vice President. I, myself, just returned from temporary leave as well.
  3. I apologize for my temporary leave, Headmaster. I am back and ready for action. Swift, erotic action.
  4. Mr. Blarg, if you do not return, I will track you down and bring you back. Don't make me punch you. I do not like punching one of my own apostles.
  5. Where the hell are you? I've returned, Mr. Vice President. Assemble the Academy.
  6. And change your name to ViralBlarg, because I always liked the Blarg part of your name, and I miss it.
  7. Conflict in the Congo! Tell everyone!
  8. Thank you, Mr. Vice President. I appreciate your support.
  9. Your speech at the Republican National Convention convinced me no longer to vote for Obama.

    I will now be voting for you instead.
  11. It's tuba time!
  12. I'm a very well renowned man. You are bound to read about my antics elsewhere every once in a while, Mr. Vice President. You have probably noticed that I am not always at home in Guam.
  13. It's almost kind of weird, reading about your antics on places besides this forum.
  14. Seriously, right? Why wait for the National Guard when I'm perfectly capable of swimming?
  15. I didn't accidentally that camera, but I understand your reference now. I think it's a smart idea to announce that you accidentally a train, but try to pass it off as a training exercise gone wrong. It would save us face.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 143
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