Conversation Between Dizz and Unknown Entity

82 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Dizz! Are you still having album problems? I worked it out - well kinda.
  2. Lolz! I like spring here... It rains quite a bit, but its pretty rain. I know thats odd, but it is!
  3. Hehe. It doesn't rain a lot, but when Spring comes around it rains like literally every day.
  4. Lol, it doesn't always snow here either, which is odd because the skys are happy to rain on us all the time!
  5. Yeah. I love winter.
    The only bad part is that it almost never snows in Texas.
  6. Wow... I thought it got hot over here lol!

    I love it when its cold though. I like cuddling up in my duvet when its cold... And hot chocolate! Thats the best!
  7. Yeah, I hate when it's so hot.
    And in Texas it gets like face-meltingly hot during the summer.
    Which sucks.
  8. I like summer lazy days... just when its not that hot lolz...
  9. No, not really.
    It's just gonna be your average summer lazy-day.

  10. Ah... Got any plans while you're there?
  11. Hehe, that's awesome.

    And no. I'm going to my dad's house in about an hour.
  12. XD

    Yeah, I was playing Evanescence REALLY loud, and they are the kind of people who hate rock/goth/emo/metal (not that Evanescence are ALL those things lol) music, so they went back inside, which a bonus...

    Did you get up to anything today?
  13. Nah, I'm fine. It was prob'ly near Corpus Cristi or something. Where I live, there's not a chance we'd have a hurricane!
    Either that, or I was somehow completely unaware of it.

    But anyway, that sounds like fun- the part about annoying your neighbors.
  14. The sky... Haha, thats the secong time I've done that... Na,

    I'm joking! Got my Heath Ledger poster today, cleaned my room and annoyed my neighbours with music lol...

    You ok? I heard that there was a hurricane in Texas, and didn't know if its anywhere near you...
  15. x]
    So anyway...
    What's up?
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