Conversation Between -x-DarkHeart-x- and Fang

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. you are welcome. Im guessing that Genesis is your favorite well yeah, he is,simply, one of my favorite FF characters I cried so much when I fought him at the end..
  2. lol thanks!
  3. yeah I know how dose it feel! I finished Dirge of Cererbus sometime ago!playing it was fun and hard to beat at the same time..I was so sad that Cloud and the others didn't show that much..btw I love your profile pic it rockss.
  4. well im playing DOC or (dirge of cerberus) and its really hard to beat weiss.... i hate it....
  5. yes! right now Im playing FF:Crisis Core!I'm trying to complete the missions,they are so hard to beat, I got 98% though
  6. as in a final fantasy game??? (im sorry im kinda messy at all times)
  7. thanks! I really appreciate it so which game are you playing these days?
  8. im very fine here and im happy that you really enjoyed your stay!
  9. aww hey! yeah I am totally like it here! so great topics and amazing members!hehe I just got through reading and commenting on the quiz of (Which Character Are You) in FFVIII thread! it was fun!
    so how is everything going for you? I just sent you an invite, hope you'll accept it
    hope we talk soon and have a nice day!
  10. so having fun with your stay???
  11. =] no problem!!! and thanks for being nice!!
  12. aww thanks for stopping by and you for your nice words and yeah I'm gonna enjoy it here.
  13. hi welcome to TFF hope you have a good time in this site......
Showing Visitor Messages 46 to 58 of 58
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