Conversation Between Meeno and Raider

7 Visitor Messages

  1. out of your list i like LP, fist band i ever got into

    i'm a metal man, disturbed, avenged sevenfold, dope, some slipknot etcetera \w/
  2. i don't have any special like. but i listen linkin park, coldplay, green day, pink, dido and so on and on... you?
  3. creepy XD

    what music do you like?
  4. ya, i know.. in my school there is a girl who is born at the same date as me( december 13, 1994)... she was also at the same group with me in the kindergarten. XD XD
  5. awesome

    lots of people were born on the same day i know, strange 0_o
  6. lol, hey, whats up? my friend of mine is born at the same date as you. XD
  7. Hai
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7