Conversation Between Midgar_Minion and Asectic

9 Visitor Messages

  1. hey there... how have you been doing?
  2. Not bad really. But I don't know. It was one of the games I saved up so I really didn't play it much. But very good, slightly diff. from the ps2.
  3. Oh man... how is XII Revanant wings? I definitely wanna try that one!
  4. I don't really play FF these days but the last one I played was XII Relevant Wings for DS.
  5. Whats happening? So what FF are you playing currently?
  6. I'll try to stay active... but no promises... work takes up alotta time but other than that ill probably be on here a bit
  7. Hey, no problem. Just do me a favour and try to stay active will you?
  8. Hey, thank you. Ive never really signed up for a site like this before... its new to me but ive always played the games..
  9. Hi, welcome to TFF! ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9