Conversation Between V_Translanka and Furore

5 Visitor Messages

  1. You haven't really missed too much though FFXIII is definitely worth a play-through. Better cast and a faster though still somewhat familiar battle system. And Chrono Trigger DS is yet another game on my to play pile...
    Work really kills my gaming time...
  2. Sup, Sabin lured me back with a Let's Play of Chrono Trigger, ha! I feel so disassociated with the FF fanbase now since the last I've even played was X-2 that I've neglected most of my forums...
  3. Now there's a user I hadn't seen in a while...
    How goes it?
  4. That made me ROFL. Terribly. I almost died.
  5. Hmmm...Jecht fan, huh? Well, I suppose it's hard not to like a guy who helped make a girl this cute, right...?>_>
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5