Conversation Between Dark Squall and Darkdragoon

7 Visitor Messages

  1. XD your welcome... I guess... Lol
  2. Hehehe. Thanks kiddo
  3. Lol!
  4. I am a pervert, a nice one though
  5. hah ^^
    I thought you were just a pervert but your really nice (half the time)
    But i love jill ^^
    I hope she didnt die
  6. Nahn non taken.

    You know Jill have to die at some part, she's not a freakin god after all !
  7. No offence but i think 4 and 5 suck XD.
    Because they took the horror out of it ^^.
    And i hate 5 because jill die's!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7