Conversation Between Dark Squall and Doc Rocco

8 Visitor Messages

  1. No, I'm not staff. xD Unfortunately. ;_; They should so make me staff. =D
  2. Thanks
  3. I laughed really hard at your comment in that "Cool Final Fantasy Stuff" thread. That was inspired. Good stuff man! Tell those retards! Hurrah for DS!
  4. Thanks for the information
    And sorry again
  5. What is the purpose of Team Frosting?

    Team Frosting (hereby referred to as TF) is here to ensure you forum experience is a pleasurable and rewarding one. By using the Reputation System, TF will tell members how to improve their posts or tell them what is a good point about their post. We aim to eradicate forum hostility and bad posts in this fashion. Our elite team, consisting of myself (Doc Rocco), Tiger Lily, Craven and Anachlirium, are here to serve the wider community, and we hope we have your utmost support.

    Our main purpose is what has been stated above; to create a positive forum environment. This can be achieved with the destruction of terrible members and by moulding newer members into veteran posters who contribute actively. The Reputation System is the perfect means with which to achieve this end, and we plan to use it to the full. If you see Reputation from a TF member, please remember it is not because they hate or love you. It is there because they are improving the forum.

    Yours truly,

    Doc Rocco , Tiger Lily, Craven and Anachlirium.
    Team Frosting founding members.
  6. FRANCIUM BULLETS AS WELL! We reign supreme. =D
  7. I swear to god, That was hilarious!!...Weird but hilarious!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8