Conversation Between Nightmare Cloud and Serah

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good luck in the army my dear!
  2. Haha, people will think I am crazy I will run down the streets of Leeds shouting Lightening Cloud - either that or they think I am predicting a storm... Hmm, maybe if I point upwards at the same time it will look less conspicuous haha, at least you would know it was me if it was you
  3. Haha yeah, if you see anyone that you think is me just shout Nightmare Cloud or my real name (Beth) and see if the person in question turns round xD
  4. yea I know lol although Leeds is pretty big hehe, but you never know that would be cool
  5. Yeah, I like Bridlington, it's nice Haha epic! We might run into each other, which would be cool if we recognised each other lol. Ugghhh not fun >_<
  6. Lol, its okay, just gets on my nerves I've been here 7years its like... new surroundings pleeeease!! Having a beach is cool tho Oh well, my dads looking for somewhere to live in Leeds so might be able to go on mini holz there when he does . Yea think there were about 5kids who fainted at my school lol including me >.<
  7. I know where that is, I've been there like... once haha. I thought it was in Yorkshire xD Indeed! Oh yeah I remember mine... I think I was fine though. However I know a lot of people who weren't.
  8. Im in Bridlington, North Humberside or East Yorkshire lol we're technically E.Yorks but everyone still thinks were N.Humberside lol so I go with either. I know its frustrating, grrrr! stupid economy Needles never used to bother me but when I had my meningitus jab in primary school I fainted and now I cant stand them lol, just one of those things
  9. Haha needles don't bother me, probably why I'm so addicted to piercings xD Ah fair enough! Where abouts are you from? I understand totally about not being able to afford stuff, lack of money FAILS. xD
  10. I'd love to have loads more stuff but I'm too much of a wimp when it comes to needles and stuff haha >.< and plus I've never got round to it yet, I got my ears redone coz I had stretched them and someone bought me earings for my bday and I really wanted to wear them haha. But we have hardly and places that do piercings round where I am :|
    Waiting to get my 1st tattoo, but can't really afford it yet haha
  11. I have my lip done twice (although it's only once on the pic on my profile), my ears and my scaffold. An anti brow piercing or two is appealing but I'm not sure... I'm getting surface piercings on my hips though ^_^ Haha yeah true! :L
  12. Ooooh what you got done? I used to have my eyebrow done but I got sick of catching it everytime I got dressed lol so I took it out, I'd had it like 5years so I got my moneys worth lol, want my tongue doing but never got round to it, and if it ends up swelling I would sound like a funny receptionist haha
  13. Yeah, I'm trying to find one and it's damn near impossible. Not sure if the piercings make me look to appealing either lol. I suck at exams too... NERVES.
  14. I was at 6th form then I moved and it didn't feel right joining up again so I went into work, that was before our economy went down the pan lol, jobs are so hard to come by now-a-days :|
    I was predicted A's and B's but I suck at exams so I ended up with B's and C's lol but nevermind seems like aaaages ago haha, only 3years tho lol
  15. Sixth form... It sucks. Yeah it is xD It's my Lang coursework about the media representation of Courtney Love xD B is epic! Hope I get one lol. I did really well in my GCSE (2 A's) but I just hope I can maintain it.
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