Lucky you! Ahhh thanks for the advice! I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'm sure I'll be really short on money so that really helps.
Haha, luckily good cooking runs in my family's genes... if that makes any sense. I suggest trying out things like stirfrys, curries and pasta dishes. They make up a staple of my diet as it costs around £5 to make depending on what you want in it and what you already have, and then you can get 3-4 meals from it. I tend to make things with a meat/seafood, a few kinds of vegetables, and then rice/pasta/noodles and a sauce/seasoning. Definatly the best way to live on student budget!
Yeah, that's good, I'm looking for somewhere around that distance away. You have the right idea heh heh I'd probably rather her come to some open days with me anyway lol, plus she will probably want to so she can see what it's like xD Ah yeah, cooking -__- I probably need to practice that xD
Haha mums are like that! The place i'm studying is an hour and a half away by car (or 3 hours-ish by public transport), so it's not too far away from my parental home, but far enough to live independantly. I'm sure that if she goes to some open days with you, and if theres a really good one, that she may decide that said one is the better option. Mums do like to think you're still a baby. I'm with my parents for Easter and even then my mum will sometimes tell me how long to cook something for or how to use something, even though i'm nearly 21 and have been living most of the time away from home for over 2 and a half years now! xD
I didn't know that! Ahh you've provided me with useful information there Ah I'm not sure actually... Most of the uni's that do what I want are pretty far from here, which doesn't bother me too much, but my mum's like "NO BETH WHAT IF YOU CAN'T MANAGE!" xD
Yeah i've had issues with that too. At the moment I can't really take on a job ontop of my uni work, but my course ends in June, so I will have to start looking for a job next month. Thankfully I am studying near Bristol, which is the second biggest area for Media/Multimedia related jobs (first of course is London, but i'm not so confident with being alone there). Where are you hoping to study?
Ah I want to do journalism and English language at uni. That's a good idea, Japan is awesome for that kinda thing. I know a bit of Japanese but I want to learn more. I'm in sixth form at the moment, doing my A-Levels. Trying to find a job as well but it's impossible with the damn economy ¬¬ heh.
Nice, one of my mates is studying journalism at the moment. He does a similar kind of thing by writing reviews (mainly for games). He also debates a lot online. I want to get into doing concept artwork for games, or perhaps film. Unfortunatly there isn't much market for that in Ye Olde England, so I'm also trying to learn Japanese. At the meantime I will probably go into graphic design, animation or something in that area when I finish my course. What are you doing at the moment? Are you studying or working?
Yeah it is, but writing seems to help me more I think. I do reviews and stuff mainly (that's the sort of thing I'm getting a bit of work in, but writing work really isn't common for someone my age) but I have various short stories and parts of novels that I've been working on. Ah that sounds good! A graphic novel appeals to me too, I just need to think of a really good storyline haha.
Cheers! I draw loads, I find it really therapeutic. Ooh what kinds of things do you write? I want to write a book or a graphic novel at some point, I just need to find the time! I have a load of ideas and characters and stuff planned out, just need to get around to doing it. I also did a load of RPs at one point, I would like to do one again sometime, as I keep thinking about ones i've done in the past and what I should have done to improve what I have already done, or what I would have done if the RP hadn't died.
Oh, awesome! I like the sound of it. I do art but not as much anymore... I'm more of a writer nowadays. I tried to post some of my writing but it wouldn't let me Ah, I'll be sure to check it out when you post it, I'm sure it's awesome!
I've been drawing the Four Fiends (FFIX versions) for an online project I had completely forgotten about until recently (my avatar/signature set is made from my drawing of Marilith). I finished of colouring Kraken earlier, and now i'm finishing the linework for Lich (the last one). They're all drawn with fineliner then coloured with Copic Ciao manga pens. I'll post them all up when I've finished Lich. Haven't posted any of my artwork on this forum for yonks, and the stuff I did post up probably looks really crap now!
Haha yeah I did start to worry when you said you were covered in ink and cat fur xD Oooh, what sort of artwork do you do? Yeah I'm not bad cheers!
I'm great thanks! Feeling slightly high from doing a load of colouring! Covered in ink and cat fur (the latter is nothing to do with my artwork, don't worry)! How're you?
Why hello thar! Just thought I'd randomly drop by ^^ How are you doing?