Conversation Between winterborn86 and Unknown Entity

662 Visitor Messages

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  1. Haha I love it!!
  2. You won't after this.

    I'm loving your kitty pic
  4. OMG, hiiii! =D
  5. Happy Birthday!!! =D
  6. PMing you.
  7. Me and Matt had a major falling out, a friend of mine txt me and told me he had been sending her mesages asking her if she would sleep with him, but he hasnt confessed to that, but he decided to tell me that he kissed another girl at his mates party a few weeks ago, the same girl who he use to keep chatting up on and off the whole 3years we have been together. he even admitted that he asked her to go bck to his parents cos he wntd to sleep wiv her. he said she didnt go back there but dnt believe him
  8. What happened? o.o

    TFF seems to be playing up a little bit this evening... >>;
  9. My day was ok til a few hours ago

    Wil have to have a read , TFF logged me out so now I gotta find everthing that I missed lol
  10. I know. ><

    Today was really good... The best day I've had all year. Everything is in my journal. =333
    3 Word Posts? I have no idea... I was actually looking for it the other day. I think it got brushed onto another page because of all the elimination threads. ><

    How was your day? =]
  11. Must of hurt like hell tho *cringe*

    Hows your day been then?
    By the way where has the 3 word post thread disappeard too, I not seen it about for awhile.
  12. Haha, that freaked me out a little bit too, but it's kinda cool! XD
  13. Yea it is up to them, still a bit mental tho lolz, especially what the lizardman done to his tounge ewwww lol
  14. I wouldn't get a tattoo that... er... huge, but if thats what they want, and they are sure that it is what they want, I see no problem. =]

    It is very clever... o.o
  15. I don't think I would ever understand why people do that to themselves, it's very clever how it's done tho
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 662
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