Conversation Between Secret Weapon and Kurt Zisa

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice, yeah you should get back into it while you can cause ff2 is stopping me from buying it om my phone until next week(that and I'm about to go broke cause of rent and the one called shannan *a woman*).

    Meh, pokemon doesn't feel the same to me anymore. After crystal/gold/silver, the genuineness of the pokemon and experience playing it started to decline.
  2. Aw man that really does suck. It looks like you made the right decision though, so good on you. I've been dying to get back on track with III ever since the world map and battle music got stuck in my head, it's driving me crazy. There's a couple other games i've got to finish first, plus I've preordered Pokemon Black 2, which comes out in a couple of months, so it's probably going to be a while before I ever get around to it.
  3. Naw homie. I had to sell my laptop to make rent where I'm living at now so I basically sold ff3 along with. Yeah life happens with shit behind it. BUT, I will be getting it on my phone so I can back where I was again. Right now I'm replaying ff 2 and I'm kicking asses left and right. I just blew up the dreadnought and about to go find Ricard and the wyvvern.
  4. Still trucking along with FFIII? I've been meaning to replay it for a while now but VII is taking up most of my gaming time lol
    Good to see you're posting again
  5. Hey, using BlackBelts is quite a smart idea, I never thought to do that. I usually train up at the Crystal Tower because the enemies there have high Hp, which means job levels go up faster. It's just a shame that you need to have access to wifi in order to unlock the Legendary Smith.

    I just started a new file this morning. I've learned enough from the past few playthroughs that I think I can give this game a serious go. I'm up to the Sealed Cave right now, I just need to get their levels up to around 8 first, there's no harm in grinding a bit early on. I think I might give Black Mage a miss this time around, maybe try Geomancer or something.
  6. I'm actually doing pretty well now. I'm at the end game and made all my characters Black Belts to get their HP to 9999. It's pretty rigorous though. They're job levels is at 62 so I'm just grinding them in Bahumat's Lair and get their levels up. Have you touched this game lately?
  7. Hey, how's evrything going with FFIII, you making good progress?
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