Conversation Between Secret Weapon and Unknown Entity

70 Visitor Messages

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  1. BM = baby momma. You dont know how much a pain in the ass it is to be seperated from your 1st born this way. It urks my very existence and makes me think less of myself everyday I look in the mirror. I'm doing my best but it's always not enough.

    I'll find the light outta this tunnel though. I hope you keep the job you have now cause it's hard as hell out here even with a degree.
  2. Yeah, I know. Hard to find work at the moment, and even harder keeping a position. Landed a job myself, and now the company isn't doing so well. Hours went to shit almost overnight. =/

    What's a BM? =o
  3. I havent talked to Heather (my 1st bm) in I dont know how long. Training is ok but I need more than a part time job. Trying to look for somewhere decent to work at but its hard ya know?
  4. Hey man! Long time no see! How're you doing? Training go okay? Chiyluh good? =O

    Thankies for birthday wishes! ^^
  5. Hey lil sis. It's been ages since we last talked. Yea I kno I pulled another James Bond but Im here to stay (actively). Hows your life been? Oh and happy belated B-day!
  6. How're you doing? =)
  7. Hey little sis...
  8. Broooooooother! =D
  9. Happy Birthday bro! =D
  10. I hope you can arrange it so that you don't miss her birthday - I have my fingers crossed for you that you can.
  11. No, because I'll be in Virginia by time then and I'll be there for about 3 months. I'm going to try to get my ship date pushed back and be able to make it cause I don't wanna miss her B-Day again.

  12. So you are going to miss her birthday? Can't they give you a few days leave to see her?
  13. I'm shipping to my basic training in Fort Lee, Kentucky in July. Then I'll be going to Fort Knox, Virginia for my AIT in September. THAT I'm hot about cause Sept. 25 is Chiyluh's B-Day.
  14. Aw noes! Poor Chiyluh... I'm glad to know she is doing better.

    Where are you going for half a year? I think I remember you saying something about this before you left, but I could be thinking of someone else...
  15. Well, reminscing isn't going to help much so I pray that you'll pull through it. Just look beyond that out of the greater things that you have in store for you in the future... that always cheers me up.

    Chiyluh is ok NOW but she had two ear infections, a yeast infection, and she something genetic from Heather that always causes her to itch her behind. I think it's bull cause she wasn't doing that shit from before the times I had her over here. I haven't got to talk to lately cause she know I'm going to cuss her ass out when I call her so yeah.

    But everything is fine. I'm just trying to keep Shanann happy cause I know she is hurting everyday knowing I'm going to be gone away from her and my son for half a year. She already telling me I'm coming AND making it for Christmas.
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